Thursday, August 25, 2011

How can we cleanse our way? What gives us life?!

It isn’t wrong to only read the Psalms if that is what you need. However if we never read the rest of Scripture we’d never learn much about the reason those Psalms were written. I find myself, when low of energy or time, reading tidbits like the Psalms and proverbs, or old favorites like Paul’s concise letters of recommendation to the saints, which always empower my mind and spirit. But I long to know more about what God’s written, since every book within the Bible front to back is inspired by Him; but it takes devotion! We must discipline ourselves regularly to do it so that when His Words are written on our hearts, they will come forth on our tongue to others which is what gives us strength from day to day, helps sustain us spiritually and teaches others about God’s truth. There is no way we can live with God’s Word- it is our lifeline and even if He does not judge us according to how much we know, we know Him so much more intimately when we take the time and delve into what gives us our only lasting hope in life. So I encourage you along with my renewed personal challenge, to spend more time in the Word and to memorize it so that my life will not be less than what God would have for us.

Ironically, after I wrote this, our pastor on Sunday also spoke also on the importance of the Word of God. He declared several times that “this is not an idle Word!” I loved one thing he said about how Jesus quoted Scripture, because He knew He needed it! It’s not a sin to be weak in the flesh because that is our disposition, we just must acknowledge it and take God’s Word up to stand guard against it and we WILL win!

What is on our minds when we are weak, doubting, and alone? What will be bleed when we are cut? If the Words of God are what accompany our minds in the darkest of times, then we will be enriched. It is then we are made stronger through it! Praise God we have an out. We must read the Word and pray every day, and we will grow, otherwise we really have no hope.

“How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word!..”

I love that verse and after reading/praying it this week I saw it at a friend’s house and was encouraged as I saw that all of us while reading God’s Word see the truth of God, the truth about us, and when we put them together, that gives us hope and the ability for life and godliness! We must admit our susceptibility(s) and take heed according to God’s commands, for He desires to keep us!