Sunday, October 25, 2009

Das geht ab

I was able to go to another fair, but this time I had learned to avoid the rides that spun around for 10 minutes straight. Growing up we never really went to big fairs and now that I think of it I have never been to a circus. I think the reasoning was because my dad is very nervous around big crowds because he doesn’t want to get in trouble or do something wrong and my mom always thought the fair people who put together the rides were irresponsible and not to be trusted. If we ever did go to a fair or something with games and food we were only given enough for half a hot dog, so it was never a really fun experience.
We were able to go with some people from our church who are in our age group. We walked around the whole fair grounds and while doing so I picked up some different snacks and was able to try some horse. It is a food that you must try before you die. The pastor we work with enjoys digesting his horse with a good “high ho silver” at the end of his meal. At first I found it a little strange that we were eating every little girls dream animal, but then I realized I have probably eaten dog or cat in my life, so horse had to be better.
During our loop around the fair ground we saw a huge tent with a band. We decided to go back because it seemed to be where the majority of the people were going. This place was packed with huge picnic tables with almost every seat taken. We found a table and I noticed that there was a great dance floor. I could not pass up this opportunity to dance with Julia, while listening to some great 80’s and early 90’s music. While we were up on the dance floor, I noticed while we were dancing that there was a man all by himself. He was a pretty old bald guy dancing like Michael Jackson trying to bust a move. At one point during the night I noticed he was attempting the moon walk. These were not common songs that you would break dance to, it was “Ache Breaky Heart”, sung by a guy in a cowboy hat with a half painted white face like the mask from Phantom of the Opera.
Later while we were there, we were able to hear some classic German songs, to which all of the people sing and dance to. The ages were from very young to very old. We joined in and acted like we knew the songs and what to do, the key is to mumble in the same tone as everyone else and no one knows. At the end of the night I thought what a need there is for all of these people to hear the Gospel and the need for churches to do it. We assume that everyone knows the Gospel story and the truth the Jesus has died on the Cross to take away sin to anyone who believe in him. The problem is that those assumptions can kill the fervor for missions. I pray that God will send laborers into the harvest because the fields are white, that truth is continually displayed to me each and every time I see a large gathering of people.

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