Monday, June 8, 2009

The simple Life

I'm going to be an oxymoron and say that I slightly feel this may be one more thing to further my distractions, and that it is a varied duplicate of every other form of communication that we've had since the telephone was created. However I'm excited to share incites and learn a world of new incites from other people as well.

I've just joined, and just hope that the time I put into this is worth it. How much is too much? Balance is key in life, and as long as putting people first is not at the beginning of my motives, but only Christ, then others, I think this will be a good thing.

I feed of other peoples great ideas, as we all do; for nothing is new under the sun, and thats what relationships are for right?

We don't so much have the simple life anymore; everything from scratch, low level technology, and a few great friends. We have the capacity to greet thousands of people each year, through internet, and networking, and that is just what we were created for; relationship. Ultimately relationship with Christ should rise above all, but as we engage in communication with other people of diverse backgrounds, we are better for it. There is a reason for everything, so I believe each person can and will affect us in a unique way to make us who we are.

As my sister in law Liz recently observed with us as we visited Germany, her for the first time; people are people, we are all the same when it comes down to what we desire in life. We just manifest it in a variety of ways based on culture and upbringing.
I see the world of people we live in as a helpless group of people. Some brilliant, rich, poor, weak, strong, confident, humble, falsely humble, fake, genuine, beautiful, despised,..and so on; but altogether, nothing without our Lord, whom gives all to all. All things come from Him, and should be given back to Him.

And so lets not strive for unattainable goals, but only that which He has truely set forth for us to follow; the calling that He has given each of us- to teach, to learn, to build up, and find our true worth in Him who has promised us His truth from the beginning to the end.

Alpha and Omega; Your will be done.

1 comment:

  1. You are a dear sister with insight beyond your years. Sometimes when I read your e-mail updates I am in awe of how God has infused you with an understanding of and ability to communicate His truth in such a sweet, conversational way. I'm almost reminded of Hannah Whitall Smiths, Confessions of a Happy Christian, when I read your writing. That's a compliment to be sure!

    The commonality of people is exactly what I've perceived in my moves from West Coast to Midwest, urban to rural, Africa to America. So simple yet so complex how God is Creator of all and knows each of us so intimately isn't it? One day while walking across a parking lot I met a man from the Congo who, in the course of our brief, remarkable conversation asked in the vein of Nicodemus "How can a man return to his mother's womb and be born again?" The story might seem out of place in this comment but, for me, it illustrates this truth of intimacy, knowledge, universality and transcendance of Gods Word and understanding of His creation.

    Well this turned into more than expected! Hope you're well. You and Rich are in my prayers, Kim
