Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learning How to Die

"He takes our bodies slow..."

The song by Jon Foreman, telling the truth of our very temporal lives as we ought to consider and realize. Our bodies begin to break down once finally fully grown. I realize this now as I'm about at the point where youth begins to while yes "change" is one way to look at it, I believe "fade" is more accurate.

To witness the purity and innocense of three year olds daily with their blemish free and soft seemingly perfect skin, is a falsehood to believe that they should last forever. At the peak of our prime, from 18 to 30, unfortunately often the toils of life begin to snare...and we must know that this shell is not to last.

Oh how I look forward to the perks of eternity, selfishly speaking, to gain resilience and energy everlasting. Yet eternity is only as great as it will be because God is there; we must remember.

He is our sole joy and purpose in life, and as our bodies reflect their perfect creator' THIS is what we must rejoice in; His perfection and ability to create a handiwork that much resembles the kind of God He is.

Thank you God for this life, but may we hold high above anything this world has to offer, the esteem for eternal riches in You and Your glory. May we endure the suffering for a night as true joy comes in the morning!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

He set the captives free!

As Christ must assuredly came to deliver us from evil and bring glory to His Name, we should find ourselves more "prostrate in the dust" before Him in humble gratitude than we many times are. He tells us that He came that we "may have life and have it to the full" in John 10. In Isaiah, the foreshadowing of His coming presented for us the hope of "good tidings to the poor, healing for the brokenhearted, and liberty for the captives!"

Yesterday I went to the maximum security prison in Raleigh for a training to enable me access on future occasions. Our church is beginning a ministry to share in the lives of women and men in prison whom are so desperately broken. We know our place in this world and as sinners as awful as they, though we've perhaps not gone to the extent that they have in regard to choices, we are equally inadequate before our God as they, and carry the same hope for salvation!

As our hearts go out to them to see the forgiveness that we have been shown, we know we must remember when we are in a prison and they are there for a reason! But we know we've been given second, third and many more chances to repent of our sin and want them to know the same. Their physical surroundings they may not be able to change, but as we know that is not where true joy lays. There lays yet a potential of real and true freedom from what has imprisoned them in the first place, carrying with it the hope of redemption!

THIS is what I hope to help relay and as many other women of all ages, races and religions poured in the room for our elongated textbook training, there was a sense of sweet fellowship that filled the room. The intentions of empathetic hearts attempted to go where they had not gone before, to show a love we are so grateful to know, to a world that has yet to grab hold of what they are so longing for.

We ourselves were sinners, slaves to sin, but set free by the power of the Holy Spirit and His love, His Word, and His work in our lives.

LORD Jesus, thank you for setting us free from the bondage of sin and give us wisdom to to enable others to take hold of this wonderful truth by the power and for the glory of your Name!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Songs of Scripture

There is nothing like reading the Word and a song pops up in your head. Music is a gift from God that I don't think we can thank Him enough for. What a blessing to help memorize!

John Foreman has multiple songs that ring in my head when reading Scripture.
God is my shepherd, I won't be wanting.
He makes me rest in fields of green, and quiet streams.
Even while I'm walking through the valley of death and dying.
I will not fear cause you are with me, you're always with me.

Shepherds staff comforts me....

So uplifting to the soul!

He also writes of this life in ways that bring to our minds the "ought-i-tude" I like to call it. We ought to think on these things; "a mirror is much harder to hold," "Learning How to Die," and so many more.

Thank God for language that expresses only the surface of the truth that lies at the feet of our lives' purpose. Thank God for His Spirit who intercedes for us as our words cannot express even the slightest of what He deserves.

But oh the mercy that follows us...just as the song also says "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.