Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Man or Chicken

Julia and I have just gotten back from a great time in Vienna spent with my parents and some dear friends of ours. We flew back to Frankfurt and were taken from there to a huge mall in Frankfurt. We decided to eat dinner in the food court after we did some shopping. In the food court was a place called “greatest wurst in town”. Our young friend Micha was with us, he loves this place because they have the hottest wurst you will ever eat. They range from A heat to F heat and you’re unable to buy anything past a C until you are over 18. Micha is only 17, but has had everything up to a C, but was dying to try something a little hotter. I decided that I wanted to try “F” and show my manhood. Micha was very giddy as I went up to the counter to order the “F” wurst, and he coached me with what to say, in fear that I might order something wrong. I got up to the counter and asked for the wurst type “F”. After I said that it was as if, I just said a curse word or mentioned a word that was illegal to be spoken. Both of the men working behind the counter looked at each other and then at me and could not believe their ears. They said something to each other, and then said something to me that I could not quite understand. I asked Micha what they were saying, and the one who knew English asked me if I had ever had the “F”. I was a little nervous at this inquire because usually people give you your food that you order without questioning you. I answered and told them no, and they said, “you want ‘F’, we’ll let you taste a little ‘F’ before you eat it. They were telling me these ridiculous stats on the F as they were putting just a little bit on a plastic fork. They handed me the fork and I licked it off, not knowing what would happen next. This was the hottest hot thing I have ever had in my mouth in my life, and I believe Micha thought the same as he tasted the fork as well. As it was burning its way down my throat, my head was sweating and my eyes were watering. They asked if I still wanted “F” and as I could barely talk, I told them I would just take the “D”. I asked for a cup of ice and they said no sorry…but gave me some extra bread. I brought the “D” back to the table and chanted with Micha “man or chicken” at everyone at the table till they ate it and had tears in their eyes. On the ride home, I was in a little pain and I can say, when It came out of my system it did not feel the greatest either. This is just another great thing to offer our guest when you come to visit…the hottest wurst in town!

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