Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What is God preparing you for?

God has a purpose for your life and is preparing you to do His work for His glory. We as Christians should never look at our lives as our own, but know that we were bought with a price. We also find joy in living for him, wherever and however He chooses. When we look at men and women God used in the Bible or in the history of this world, it is evident that he was preparing them before they were ever “used” for a specific task. We look at Moses’ life and it was at the young age of 80 before he was sent to free the children of Israel for the glory of God. His life up to that point was preparation for that great work that God was preparing for him. The same is with David, and not till later in his life that he was the king, but many events had occurred in his life to prepare him for that time.

Now I stop and think about my life as a Christian being in a foreign land that I did not grow up in, how did God prepare me for this? This thought hit me pretty hard last night, when I went to a men’s Bible study. The Bible study consisted of men that were well above my age and all of them spoke German besides the 2 people I went with. As soon as I arrived I thought I had found a time machine to my past. I grew up in a very German family, where you have a strong German last names like; Rudolph, Klotzbach, Schlogenhof, Bullwinkel, Deininger, Kopp, just to name a few. When I arrived I felt like I was at a Klotzbach or Rudolph family reunion. During the Bible study one of the men was dozing off in a lazy boy, which is a regular occurrence for my grandfather while we are in the living room at night. Then after we got done with the Bible study, this guy ended up talking about his job, which often happens around the Rudolph dinner table. Then the real flashbacks started, as soon as we got done talking in a circle, we headed to the dinner table. There were 2 different kinds of potato salads, 2 different types of wurst, a salad, and a melon. Potato salad and wurst are staples at every family get together we have ever had in my life! As I was eating I thought and laughed to myself, wow God prepared me for how the Germans eat by putting me in the Rudolph family. I don’t know many other families in which potato salad, kraut, wurst, and pickles are a staple.
It was a great time with the men at the Bible study, even though I know enough German to say a couple of things, make random odd statements, as well as incline my ear to the occasional understanding of pieces of conversations. We are loving it, and I know God continues to prepare us for the mission field…so what is God preparing you for?

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