Monday, September 28, 2009

Wie heist du? "How do you say?"

I had my first tutoring lesson yesterday, and it went great! Or so I think. I meet with Nick, an eleven year old whose mother insisted we study together three days a week, for one and a half hours. It sounds long, but really goes pretty quickly. Although our language is a tough one, and really has some inexplainable terms, it is an awesome opportunity to help teach language, as I seek to learn another one myself. I learn a bit of German while with him, as he knows barely any English. You have to give it to the boy; he comes from a Russian home, which speaks German, and he just transfered from a school that taught him French! I only wish that was my weak point- so many languages to decipher between!

I am constantly amazed at the barrier that stands between two people of different languages. You can want to communicate all you possibly can, but without the language, there is an end point that you just undoubtedly hit when neither of you can get your point acrossed. It can be very frustrating, yet is an awesome task that in itself shows me just another wonder of our Lord. His omnipotence to create such a diverse world, with so many beautiful people, places, and languages.

It inspired me to look back into His word to study the origin of all this confusion, and it was at the tower of Babel that it all began as the people came together to build what they said would "make a name for themselves," or else they would "be scattered across the face of the entire earth." As the Lord oversaw what was taking place, He saw that with one language, "nothing these people do will be beyond them." He then confused their language so they couldn't understand one another, and scattered them across the face of the earth."

Interesting isn't it, that just as we often desire to stick together in our comfortable common places and do "great things" that we miss the point of going outside of where we "belong" to accomplish purposes outside ourselves. In this case the people would have become so self absorbed and not accomplish what He desired. And so in the times we sit under the confusion of a language that is beyond us, we seek God for the strength that He created everything with, and ask that He accomplish through us, something outside of ourselves.

Seen as so amazing through creation and its counterparts, our God has a way of making His omni-potence, science, and presence,coincide so that nothing is impossible- even the transformation of our minds which He created.

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